10+ tips - How to move on after break up
Allow Yourself to Grieve
It’s okay to feel sad. Take your time.
Avoid Contact for Now
Taking a break from contact can give you the clarity and distance you need.
Reach out to loved ones.
Spending time with friends and family can help you feel supported.
Reconnect with things you love.
Dedicating time to hobbies helps you regain a sense of joy and purpose.
Take a break from scrolling
Reduce time on social media to avoid reminders and comparisons.
Focus on your growth.
Reduce time on social media to avoid reminders and comparisons.
Appreciate the positives in your life.
Listing things you’re grateful for can improve your mindset and help you heal.
Imagine a bright future for yourself
Visualizing a hopeful future can give you motivation to keep moving forward
How to restart life after a breakup?
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